Apollo and Cassandra

The story of Apollo and Cassandra is a tragic tale from Greek mythology that revolves around a powerful god and a mortal woman gifted with foresight. It is a story of love, betrayal, and the consequences of divine intervention. Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. From a young age, she displayed extraordinary abilities of prophecy, granted to her by the god Apollo. However, Cassandra’s story takes a tragic turn when she incurs the wrath […]

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Tarpeian Rock – Roman Execution

In ancient Rome, the Tarpeian Rock was a fearsome and infamous site where public executions were carried out as a form of punishment. Situated on the southern summit of the Capitoline Hill, it served as a symbol of justice and a deterrent against criminal activities. The Tarpeian Rock derived its name from the legendary story of Tarpeia, a Roman maiden who betrayed her city to the invading Sabines. As punishment for her treachery, she was thrown off the steep cliff […]

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Legend of Aeneas – Ancestor of Rome

Aeneas was a Trojan hero in Greek and Roman mythology. He was one of the few people who managed to avoid the slaughter in Troy and, along with Hector, one of the bravest defenders. That night, when the Greeks, with the help of a wooden horse, invaded Troy and began a bloody slaughter, Aeneas, son of Venus and Anchizes, had a sinister dream. Hektor stood in front of him and ordered him to flee. Escape from Troy When he woke […]

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Romulus and Remus – The Founding of Rome

The story of Romulus and Remus is a legendary tale that explains the founding of Rome, the capital city of Italy. According to Roman mythology, the twin brothers Romulus and Remus were the sons of the god Mars and a mortal princess named Rhea Silvia. Birth of Romulus and Remus Their story begins with the reign of their grandfather, King Numitor of Alba Longa. Numitor was the rightful ruler, but his wicked younger brother, Amulius, seized the throne for himself. […]

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Twelve Labours of Hercules

The Twelve Labours of Heracles are a series of episodes concerning a penance carried out by Heracles, the greatest of the Greek heroes, whose name was later romanised as Hercules. They were accomplished over 12 years at the service of King Eurystheus. The episodes were later connected by a continuous narrative. The establishment of a fixed cycle of twelve labours was attributed by the Greeks to an epic poem, now lost, written by Peisander, dated about 600 BC. After Heracles […]

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