The Binding of Fenrir
The prophecy said that Fenrir, Loki’s wolf son, would be a great threat to the Aesir. Based on that the Asgardian gods
put him under constant surveillance, the wolf grew day after day and became a source of concern for the Asgardians except Tyr, who befriended Fenrir. They concluded that the animal had to be imprisoned.

The Asgardians deities forged powerful chains in an attempt to imprison Fenrir, and to hide their real intentions the gods presented a challenge to the wolf. Fenrir, although immense and evil natured, was still a cub and enjoyed playtime. The Asgardians challenged him to get rid of the God made chains and Fenrir liked that quest.
The gods chained him but those mighty chains failed to withstand the wolf.yding, which they convinced Fenrir to put on as a show of his strength, as he could easily break the chain. This was true, and Fenrir snapped it apart with a single sharp kick.
A new chain had to be made and even more powerful than the first one which was also placed on Fenrir. The wolf used his enormous strength but the chain seemed strong enough to contain the colossal wolf.
The gods looked at each other pleased but they did not expect what took place immediately after. Fenrir used even more of his strength and endedup destroying the chains. The gods were bewildered by the wolf’s sheer strength and Fenrir noticed the Asgardian concern, a sign that they were up to something.
No rope or chain managed to withstand the creatures strength, but odin knew that if there was any one capable of making such an object these could only be the Dwarves. Odin ordered the elf Skirnir to go to the land of the Dwarves and ask them to make something that could imprison the wolf.
The Dwarves required an unusual list of ingredients :
- the sound of a cat’s feet,
- the roots of a mountain,
- bear’s sinews,
- woman’s beard,
- fish’s breath
- bird’s spit.
With these collected, the Asgardian gods were given a thin rope that looked as if it were made of silk, but the power contained in it did not match its appearance.

Fenrir was yet again challenged to attempt to break these new harnesses, but the wolf was already suspicious and upon
seeing the rope that the gods were carrying in their hands thought that something mischievous was taking place.
Odin assured the wolf that it was nothing but a simple joke, however the wolf and Odin never got along. Being Loki’s son Fenrir could smell a lie in Odin’s breath, the wolf said he would only engage in that game if any of the gods had the courage to put his hands inside the wolf’s mouth while he was being tied up.
If he sensed an attempt to deceive him, he would devour the gods hand right away. The gods looked at each other and this only raised the wolf’s suspicions but Tyr, the God who always fed Fenrir and with whom he had established some kind of friendship offered himself as the God to put his hand inside the wolf’s mouth.
Fenrir agreed to be tied again, the wolf struggled against these new straps but his full power could not break the Dwarven mighty rope. Fenrir noticed the God satisfaction and looked at Tyr who was the only one who did not look happy.

The wolf realised that he had been betrayed by the gods and even by his only friend, Fenrir clenched his jaw strongly tearing Tyr’s hand off. The God withstood the pain without a single cry.
The brave Tyr was celebrated for his sacrifice. Fenrir had been firmly tied to a stone, the Asgardian gods were finally relieved to have neutralised such a threats.
The wolf shrieked angrily insulting the gods saying that he might have become friends with the gods but because of such betrayal they would now be his greatest enemies friendlier swore to look for Odin on the battlefield during Ragnarok to have his revenge.
Fenrir was silenced as the Gods wedged a sword into his open mouth.